
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Urban Chestnut update on bottles

Urban Chestnut just posted a picture of their bottles.  The blog post states that the should be in stores in a few weeks.  We cannot wait to have them on our shelf.  You know I will keep you posted!!!

Here are the pictures of the bottles

Evan Benn also has more info on Hip Hops - click here

Info from their blog

The day is almost here! In case you missed the announcement in Evan Benn’s “Hip Hops”, or didn’t see the ad in DRAFT magazine, our bottles will be hitting the streets soon (by ‘soon’ we mean sometime in the next few weeks pending final set-up of our bottling line).

And here’s what’s coming:

Winged Nut 4-packs of Euro Bottles (pint-sized)
Zwickel 4-packs of Euro Bottles (pint-sized)

FYI… we’re a bit geeked-up about using Euro Bottles imported from Germany. Why?

Their usage further expresses our philosophy of “Beer Divergency” (‘unconventional minded yet tradition oriented brewing’ for you newer Nutjobs), expressing Reverence and Revolution, simultaneously. In other words by packaging our beer in a German NR/Euro Bottle, a traditional bottle used in Germany over the years (Reverence), and by featuring it in a 4-pack format (Revolution), we’re doing something traditional and little different both at the same time. And that’s geeky to us!

As far as availability, our initial plans are to obviously sell them ‘to-go’ at our taste room and then to work with the independent beer/wine shops around town (St. Louis City & County only for now), and to hit some of the more beer-centric grocery stores as well. Eventually, we’d like to get our bottles in bars and restaurants, but we’re going to hold off on that until we have a better understanding of our ‘production-married-to-distribution’ capabilities, i.e. until we figure out what the hell we’re doing.

Regardless, we’re definitely jazzed that the beer drinkers of St. Louis will have more opportunities to find and drink our beers. We hope this news excites you as well…Happy New Year!


p.s. Sorry, but you’re going to have to work your “three-dimensional” imagination on the ‘flat art’ 4-packs for now.
p.p.s. Bottle shots- Greg Rannells…thanks Greg!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That bottle art looks awesome! My only problem is...not a fan of either of those brews. Well made, for sure; just not my cup of tea...or beer in this case.